The Terroni Series

The Terroni Series of floral images explores the perfect and intricate designs contained in the world of flowers. With a focus on the intricacies, graceful contours, and ethereal qualities inherent in each subject, these images go beyond the boundaries of traditional flower representation to investigate the abstract dimensions of nature’s artistry.

By isolating the essential forms and patterns within each blossom, an innate elegance and simplicity are revealed in perfect form. Each photograph is intended as a composition celebrating nature’s floral masterpieces of design.

The photographs in the series were taken over time at the Terroni Restaurant, a once vibrant restaurant located in the art corridor of downtown Los Angeles. Though the restaurant has since closed its doors, the ethereal beauty depicted in the images of the floral displays that once graced the premises speak of its charm … and its memory lives on in these photographs.

Maureen Haldeman, a native of The Netherlands and raised in Montreal, now resides in Malibu, California.
After attending art history classes and fine art photography studies with Robert Heineken at UCLA she embarked on her photographic journey by teaching photography and darkroom skills at the college level and doing freelance work for publications including The Los Angeles Times. She has been commissioned to do private photographic projects for the entertainment industry and her work is often used for film and television set design.

Her photographs are part of many private collections, The City of Malibu’s Public Collection, The Los Angeles Public Library Archives and the Bieneke Library at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
Maureen has exhibited her work in numerous group and solo exhibitions in galleries and Art Fairs throughout the United States and Europe, including exhibitions in London, Paris, Milan, Rome and Tokyo, and most recently Budapest, Barcelona and Athens. In May 2024 her work will be on view with Photo Independent at Cromwell Place in London, UK.